Princess Saba Kebebe,His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie, President of the Crown Council of Ethiopia (in exile), and Grand Patron of the Apostolic Order of St Hadrian of Canterbury, Archbishop Doyé Agama, Patti Boulaye OBE & Stephen Komlosy both made Senior Fellows of the Order of St Hadrian of Canterbury.
​Stephen Komlosy, retired as CEO of TomCo Energy Plc in March 2012, having had over 50 years experience as an entrepreneur; creating businesses and public companies both in the UK and the USA. As founder of AIM quoted Security Research Group Plc (formerly PSG Solutions Plc), he took the company from “shell” status to over £2m profits. Previously, he was instrumental in the flotations of PremiSys Plc and Netcentric Systems Plc on AIM and Avatar Systems Inc on NASDAQ (Oil business Accounting).
Former Senior Partner
City & Westminster Corporate Finance LLP
January 2004 – 2015
TomCo Energy Plc
January 2004 – March 2012
Charities, Initiatives & Awards
BIPADA Academy
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News & Publications
Flight of The Rainbow Flame
Septuagenarian Sebastian Manheim finds a spaceship in his garden which has been buried where it crashed for 3000 years. The aliens are dead, but the computers are not, Seb develops a close relationship with one of them, the wisecracking Sobek, who is a pillar of light about four feet high. Seb agrees to be enhanced physically back to 25yrs and mentally to the highest human and some alien IQ by Sobek’s technology. Seb agrees to physically repair the spaceship, but until this is done Sobek, afraid of human discovery, wants to keep his presence on Earth a secret. Sobek’s life force is running out and they need to get back to their planet for supplies. In exchange for Sobek allowing the commercial exploitation of his technology, Seb agrees to get Sobek back into space..........
Bipada Areas of Training
Coaching on:
Public Speaking​
Soft Skills
Self Confidence
Self Presentation
Personal, Social & General Protocol
Business Etiquette
Reputation Management
You've Got To Pick A Pocket or Two
Stephen's book 'You've Got To Pick A Pocket or Two" about managing the writer of "Oliver" Lionel Bart, during the time the film was made is now available and published by Kaleidoscope Publishers.
This book is a must read for those who love the film and would like to know about Lionel Bart and learn about a near fatal brush with the Mafia.
The book was featured at the FT WEEKEND OXFORD LITERARY FESTIVAL
Reviewed in Mensa Magazine

Mr Showbiz
Stephen Komlosy owned four UK theatres through LPO with two of them in the West End of London. He owned half of RSA (Robert Stigwood Associate Ltd), Motown representative in the UK. Handling PR and TV appearances for artists like Ike & Tina Turner, The Supremes, Little Stevie Wonder and more.
To find out more about Stephen's association with Stigwood read pages 40 -83 of Robert Stigwood's biography "Mr Showbiz" by Stephen Dando-Collins
Reputation Management
Stephen Komlosy is Director and an Expert Speaker on Reputation Management for Bipada Academy. He has given training sessions and talks to Bipada clients at Oxford University and final year Business students of Middlesex University.
Stephen was Senior Partner at City & Westminster Corporate Finance LLP
Stephen was the founding Chairman of TomCo Energy PLC and was responsible for floating the company on AIM.